
How to develop a compelling email strategy?

Email is an essential tool in digital marketing. It can be a great avenue for reaching potential customers—informing them about specials and providing them with valuable resources with the goal of, ultimately, converting them into buyers. Garnering subscribers for your list is a great first step, but the real trick is getting people to open your emails and, even better, complete the action you’re asking them to take. This can be difficult. Most of us are flooded with emails that we simply delete, sight unseen. But it doesn’t have to be so dire. There are some things you can do to grab your audience’s attention and help your email stand out above the rest.

Make It Mobile-Friendly

Our smartphones are our constant companions. More than 70% of people check their email on their mobile phones, and what’s more, mobile phone users tend to check their emails multiple times throughout the day. If your emails aren’t formatted for mobile, it could frustrate customers and could even lead to them unsubscribing from your emails altogether.

Have a Captivating Subject Line

Even if your email is beautifully-designed and mobile-friendly with an amazing offer, that won’t mean anything if users aren’t compelled to open it. Don’t spend hours crafting a great email only to dash off a subject line without careful thought. A great subject line could mean the difference between a sale and getting buried in the spam folder.

So what makes a great subject line? There are several angles you can take, but the one thing they all have in common is that they stand out. Write out several variations and tweak them until you land on the right one. Tailor them to what you know will appeal to your audience. Avoid gimmicks such as using all caps…it may help you get noticed, but not in a way that makes you look professional.

An Offer of Interest

Why are you sending out an email? Remember, your audience’s time is limited. If you get their attention, you want to make sure your interruption to their day is worth their while. Each email you send should have a purpose and should contribute to an overall strategy you devise beforehand. The offer can be a sale or special coupon, an invitation to register for an event, or a free download with useful information you’re providing only to those who engage. Your email strategy might include email workflows, automated emails that are sent based on a person’s behaviour or characteristics. Regardless of why you’re sending your emails, make sure you’re providing something of value within each one.

A Compelling Call-to-Action (CTA)

Most customers need a little guidance to know how you want them to proceed once they’re presented with an offer. It doesn’t have to be complicated; in fact, your CTAs should be simple and clear. Some good example are:

  • Download Now
  • Get Your Coupon
  • Book an Appointment

The point is to provide them with a touchpoint for the next step, giving customers a clear way to keep the conversation open.

Visually-Appealing Emails

Images are more effective at getting attention compared to text alone. People remember 80% of what they see versus just 20% of what they read. Pairing visuals and text increases audience retention by 650%. Make your emails have a lasting impression with visuals that catch the eye and convey the heart of your message.

You can save time by initially building a few templates that you can use as a base so that you don’t have to start from scratch each time. Enlist the help of a professional to help you design your template so you represent your brand in the best light.

Personalization and Customization

People like to be acknowledged. Adding customization, such as a customer’s first name at the beginning of an email, can go a long way in showing your audience you care. If you have customer data on file, you can also set up behavioral trigger emails, which are ready to go and sent out in real-time when a customer takes a certain action, such as adding an item to their online shopping cart and then abandoning it.

Don’t just think about personalizing the email for the customer. Consider sending emails from an actual person at your company as opposed to just your business name. HubSpot conducted an A/B test and found that an email from a person and not just a company name was more likely to be opened.

Curate Your Email Lists

Your audience will consist of several different types of homeowners. Some may have used your services in the past and been happy; others may still be considering hiring a company. Both have different needs and will likely be enticed by different offers. Segmenting your email list into like groups makes it easier to refine your targeting and make sure you’re sending the right offer to the right person at the right time.

Despite overflowing inboxes, it’s possible to build a compelling and successful email strategy if you take the time to plan in advance. When it comes to digital marketing for home services, emails are one of the most important customer-retention tools out there. Find the right balance, and your customers will look forward to your company’s next email.

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